
Chief Plenty Coups of the Crow

Page history last edited by Marcella Walter 7 years, 5 months ago

Plenty Coups (1848-1932) was both a political and religious leader for the Crow nation during a period of great change. U.S. government expansion into the West revolutionized Indian life on the Plains. While neighboring Sioux and Cheyenne tribes reacted by taking a military stance against white settlement, Plenty Coup encouraged alliances with European settlers and used diplomacy to try to preserve the Crow homeland and protect tribal rights.  Did his strategy of compromise and diplomacy--speaking up for and seeking specific outcomes--versus armed conflict--influence historical outcomes? If so, in what ways?


Secondary Sources


Gildart, Bert, “A Place of Peace,” Montana Outdoors, March-April 2004


Norman Wiltsey, "Plenty Coups: Statesman Chief of the Crows," Montana The Magazine of Western History, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Autumn, 1963):. 28-39  


Hoxie, Frederick, Parading through History: The Making of the Crow Nation in America, 1805-1935. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995


Bauch, Jerry, Children of the Large Beaked Bird: History and Culture of the Crow Nation, self published, 2002


Old Coyote, Lloyd and Helene Smith, Apsaalooka: The Crow Nation Then and Now, MacDonal/Sward Publishing Company, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 1993.


Primary Sources at the Montana Historical Society


Linderman, Frank B. ed., Plenty Coups: Chief of the Crows, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002. 


Primary Sources in Edited Collections


Calloway, Collin G., ed. Our Hearts Fell to the Ground: Plains Indian Views on How the West Was Lost, Bedford Books, Boston 1996,  86-87.


Primary and Secondary Sources on the Internet


Plenty Coups State Monument: http://fwp.mt.gov/parks/visit/parkSiteDetail.html?id=283264

Plenty Coups Biography, “Your Dictionary:” http://www.yourdictionary.com/biography/plenty-coups

Chief Plenty Coups State Park website: http://www.nezperce.com/pcmain.html (provides historical photographs) 


Vertical Files at the Montana Historical Society


Plenty Coups 1 and 2

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